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Awesome to see less deaths.....still doesnt make the deaths that have happened and deaths that continue to happen any better. Bottom line is, regardless of who gave the wrong intel on WMD's, regardless of Saddam being gone right now, this country has payed billions of dollars and given thousands of young men and women to create an equally unstable country and for halliburton to pocket millions.

Saddam was not a threat to us, it has been spun as "helping spred freedom to those who desire it" but if we really cared about helping humanity there are millions of children in Africa who would LOVE a few billion dollars to survive. There are tribes in Darfur who would LOVE some help form their government. There are million of women and humans in Africa who would love some basic meds or nets so they dont get diseases on a daily basis.......our government never went to Iraq qith the intent to help or free anyone as their main priority, or to "fight em over there instead of here"

We still have schools that need to hold bake sales to make budgets but we dont mind spending billions of tax dollars so Dick can pocket some funds from his Halliburton buddies.

Sure, the graphs are cute, but to ignore the last 5 years because of two months of down deaths on the battlefield is grossly sadistic, short sighted and sad. "the dems" and the "liberals" arent focusing on Iraq because the majority of the population already consider it a clusterfuck. You can only beat a dead horse for so long....theres a reason why democrats are showing up in greater numbers to the primaries and why inies are voting more democratic.......The American public who view this war logically without party lines, and some who even DO view it from behind party lines, have seen the war was a mistake and have accepted that as near reality, this is why we dont hear about it.....

its not about its failure anymore, its already failed......there are more urgent needs to this country than settling that clusterfuck that we initiated, thus we dont hear about it as much. The average citizen has become jaded with Washington and this war, people want to hear about the economy, healthcare and the getting our troops home and solving this problem.........

The politcal landscape has changed its voice to "Change" thats why we dont hear about the past failures as much anymore, its a politcal move to focus on the future not the past and people are gravitating towards that....expect not to hear as much about it, and it aint because its stable or we are "winning" either.

Sorry for the long rant =)