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Its too early to say who will win the primary. It seems that support for Romney has just about topped out - since Huckabee, Trump and Daniels said they wouldn't run, he has had a 0 point increase in the polls, which is pretty bad for the #1 candidate.

My HOPE is that Ron Paul, or my favorite, Gary Johnson would win. Paul is placing in the #3 spot on most polls (behind Romney and usually an unannounced candidate like Palin or Guliani).

Herman Cain is also screaming up the charts, going from a nobody to running in 4th behind Paul - mostly due to him winning the Fox debate. Cain is probably the 3rd best candidate, IMO.

My belief is that if the GOP runs any of the three I mentioned - Cain, Paul or Johnson - they can win. They have the values and principles to win the presidency. Romney is just awful (Romneycare in Massachusettes), Palin has as much executive experience as our current pretender-in-chief, and most others are just awful as well.

Realistically, unless the economy does a 180 (and I think there is a 1 in 20 chance of that happening), Obama is poised to lose. He's done nothing positive for this country, and if a half-assed Republican candidate is fielded, they would have an absolute field day with Obama in the debates. Stimulus, auto bailout, Obamacare, unemployment, 3 wars, and the worst foreign policy in decades makes him a 1-term president who makes Carter look like freakin' Albert Einstein. Until Osama was killed, Obama's poll ratings were in the dumps and sliding - and there is very little hope they will improve from here on out.

The only way the GOP can screw this up is if Romney wins. He would get torn up just as much as Obama, and I know few republicans that can get behind that turd. If he is nominated, I'll throw away my affiliation with the Republicans and vote 3rd party (although I am voting 3rd party now more and more).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.