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superchunk said: washimul said: at 199 pounds no one wants an x360 in is dead there. ......u can see the ps3 effect there. the game drought for ps3 ends in march with MOTORSTORM + F1 + VF5 +others.................come mARCH x360 wont be on the shelves anymore...........already it is dead in UK But they will want, to a larger degree, a 400pound ps3? You mention the drought and waiting on motorstorm and VF5. Lets look at Japan, of which you like to point at. Motorstorm -- 10 weeks out 50,250 units. VF5 -- 2 weeks out 62,750 units. (on track to barely match Blue Dragon) Yep. Better watch out. Hell just for comparison sake Blue Dragon -- 11 weeks out 138.000 units Lost planet -- 9 weeks out 59,000 units Wow, so a system with half the install base sold more units... Now lets look at the wiik little wii's non HD bluray having self. Wii Sports -- 12 weeks 1m+ units Wii Play -- 12 weeks just under 1m units. idiot.
GUNDAM and RIDGE RACER both has beaten BLUE DRAGON (which was put on the same par as FF13) RESISTANCE is teh only FPS in JAP history to cross it stands at 114k by the way ARMORED CORE has 76000 units. lets look at the hardware chart u buffoon DS116 172,750 (-8%) 15,390,500 Wii 12 62,500 (-13%) 1,649,500 PSP 115 36,500 (+16%) 5,104,250 ps3 15 21,250 (-26%) 693,500 ps2 364 17,000 (-4%) 22,027,500 x360 63 4,500 (-10%) 350,000 ..........................last console trash at $250 no one buys it in JAPAN BLUE RAY is the next gen format winner..........dont forget that .........x360's dvd drive cost $