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From what I have gleamed from their twitter account. Which is a real fucking mess by the way. The attack was successful sometime yesterday probably against a Sony music website. They do not seem to be interested with gaming right now. However the Sony gaming fanboys are visciously attacking them. Hackers can be like trolls if they do the math they may decide that gaming is where they will find even more lulz. They also talk about launching another attack on Sony.

I suppose if true then Sony will confirm a breach in the next couple days, or maybe someone will find some altered pics on the website. You have to remember hackers generally do not tell the world what they have done. That takes away from the surprise, and that negatively impacts the lulz. Telling someone they are about to sit on a thumb tack isn't as funny as seeing someone sit on a thumb tack.

Anyway probably good news, and bad news. Sony got hacked which is bad. Gaming didn't get hacked which is good. Most of you guys shouldn't care too much in any case. They didn't break into the house. Just into the garage. Losing a cordless drill is nothing compared to losing a big screen, or a shelf full of games and movies.

Could be wrong about this. God Twitter fucking sucks. It is like reading half a conversation, and the half you get is some strange form of gibberish. I knew there was a reason I didn't opt to become a twit.