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chenguo4 said:

I think the best way to settle this, any everything is to properly define trophy ratings.

I propose the following:

1) Map difficulty to 5 star scale - use polls, when > N ppl have voted, or game has been out for 1 month
- the polls usually reflect both difficulty and time (just noticed your last sentence)
- some obscure games only have a few people who play and rate it. These games may never meet the > N ppl voted requirement
- we have some people who get the platinum for a game in the first week of its release. How would we record the platinum trophy, but not the rating if we had to wait until a game has been out for more than a month to capture its rating from the poll? This could be a bit messy.

2) Map time to 5 star scale - maybe something like
    1-15 h: *
    16 - 35h: **
    36 - 80h: ***
    81 - 150h: ****
    151h or more: *****
- where do we get this information?
- estimates on the time it takes to earn a platinum trophy can vary greatly. Would we take an average of > N estimates? Is there a reliable place to collect these estimates?

3) Find an appropriate weight. Game score = A * diffciculty stars plus B * time stars. Maybe something like A/B = 3 or A/B = 4 works. I feel difficulty is more important than time, but time obviously does still carry significant weight.

4) Normalize: that is, we'll get a wide range of values using the above formula. We map the lowest 20% to 1 star, the next 20% to 2 stars, or whatever.
Or if we want to do a bell curve-ish kinda thing, lowest 10% = *, next 20% = **, next 40% = ***, next 20% = ****, last 10% = *****
- although not difficult to change, the ratings would constantly be in flux

Now there's always the issue sometimes DLC makes the game easier, or overtime the online dies and trophies become very difficulty/impossible. I don't think there can ever be a good solution for that.

This is just a conversation starter, with the hope of working something out. For example, one flaw with this system is that difficulty ratings may already factor in time.

Great conversation starter! Let me poke a few holes, or add extra challenges to think about...however you want to interpret it :)

See my comments above.