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I think the best way to settle this, any everything is to properly define trophy ratings.

I propose the following:

1) Map difficulty to 5 star scale - use polls, when > N ppl have voted, or game has been out for 1 month

2) Map time to 5 star scale - maybe something like
    1-15 h: *
    16 - 35h: **
    36 - 80h: ***
    81 - 150h: ****
    151h or more: *****

3) Find an appropriate weight. Game score = A * diffciculty stars plus B * time stars. Maybe something like A/B = 3 or A/B = 4 works. I feel difficulty is more important than time, but time obviously does still carry significant weight.

4) Normalize: that is, we'll get a wide range of values using the above formula. We map the lowest 20% to 1 star, the next 20% to 2 stars, or whatever.
Or if we want to do a bell curve-ish kinda thing, lowest 10% = *, next 20% = **, next 40% = ***, next 20% = ****, last 10% = *****

Now there's always the issue sometimes DLC makes the game easier, or overtime the online dies and trophies become very difficulty/impossible. I don't think there can ever be a good solution for that.

This is just a conversation starter, with the hope of working something out. For example, one flaw with this system is that difficulty ratings may already factor in time.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes