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It occures to me that, 'we', as in members of computer game forums are surrounded by so much chat about next generation graphics that people on both sides of the arguement think a lot more people care than actually do.

Do most individuals and families who do not spend all their spare time playing video games and reading forums really care if a game has realistic graphics beyond a passing comment about them?

I can only speak for mself and my children but I have noticed in the past 18 months or so since my son became a teenager that he is pretty much obsessed with how good a game looks and is constantly showing me pictures and videos of soon to be released games and commenting how good they look.

Between the ages of about 8 and 12 he completed many many games on all the consoles, where as now he seems to buy them because they look good before trading them in nowhere near completed a few weeks later so he can buy the next game that looks good.

I however plod along as usual completing 'games with crap graphics'  as my son often comments.

Seems to me that with all this talk of realistic graphics he is actually getting less out of video games than he was when he was playing them for fun!