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vlad321 said:

It doesn't make it any easier, it makes it less of a pain in the ass. It's easier to use =/= easier difficulty. You don't even risk anything through switching bombs, except for the annoying as hell process of doing so. I am guessing that you think there are no counters on how many knives you have left is also a design choice, and not suckiness?

SO follow through with me, with feeling this time. Unless you are some masochistic type person who enjoys annoyances, keybaord is better for you. Going by the definition of annoyance (irrtation) then it is objectively better in preventing annoyances, and therefore objectively better for the game. Which means that the deisgn is shitty.

Let me lay it out for you nice and simple. If Witcher 2 had gameplay and a clone of me played against me but with a controller with the shitty mechancis currently in game vs me with a keyboard with alrght mechancis. The one with the keyboard will absolutely always, undoubtedly, win. Hell even if the shitty mechanics were part of it, keyboard me will always win. Hence, objectively superior for controlling action RPGs.

And round and round we go.

And I'm out of this thread.