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vlad321 said:
irstupid said:

here is a quit retort

not very far in witcher so knowledge is limited on items

but lets say i want to throw a grenade that leaves a gas area

CONSOLE: i have to "slow mo" the game and then move my dual analog stick over to the grenade i want and select it.  then leave "slow mo" mode and then push said button and then re aim at enemies, since would have moved cursor around doing the whole slow mo selection

PC: I have the gas bombs set to button F2.  So when i want to use it, i am mos tlikely already AIMED on enemies i push f2 and the bomb is thrown.

Now lets say i want to throw a different bomb that is best used for a new enemy that shows up.  on console I have to do as I said above, on PC there is a good chance I have that bomb set as F2, F3, F4 or whatever. 

So tell me OBJECTIVELY which is better?  Pushing one button, or going into a menu, finding said item, selecting it then aiming and finally throwing bomb.

That's a hint that the developers don't mean to have the bombs working like that. Duh.

ha, what a pathetic responce

so the controls are flawless and any fault is by design