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I built an intricate system of safe tunnels in the Nether, connecting my house to the original portal. I then decided it was annoying as heck having the "original portal" turn up deep inside Joe's obsidian tower, so I deactivated his portal and built a replacement nearby that wouldn't do that to us. If Joe wants his portal still operable, I'm sure he can find a way to make it the portal not dump people where nobody wants to go.


But after doing that, I experimented with setting up more portals, and now there's a whole mess of them in my tunnel system, all leading to various unique places in the overworld. Many of them made whole new portals on the overworld side (which will explain why there are random odd portals out in the middle of water and stuff, if you see 'em).  If someone wants to label the various portals, they can become a whole new much faster way to travel around places. One of them (which is currently in a very hazardous place up on a cliff) goes into my Companion Cube, so it's the perfect way to get right into the middle of the city.


I've been watching a lot of Red Dwarf lately, so I just typed up that entire post in the voice of Dave Lister -  essentially, with a very thick Liverpool accent.
