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anything above a 4 (four) is evidence that famitsu has no credibility, just look at how the game was created


they made content and art for years and it wasnt until the dev team was asked to make a demo that they actually started to think about what the game would be about, the development of the game was a fiasco and so is the game it self, all those hi scores out there are just thanks to square money hatting everywhere.

just look a this 

-Curiously, the game's overall vision did not fully realize itself until the team was tasked with creating a vertical slice to be included in the Blu-ray version of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete.

"Even at a late stage of development, we did not agree on key elements of the game, which stemmed from the lack of a cohesive vision, the lack of finalized specs, and the remaining problems with communication between departments" -

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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