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Nintendo franchise sell better but they do not cover as many gaming genres.

Aside from the titles with Wii in their names Nintendo has failed to develop new IP this gen too, they made nice improvement on old recipes but have failed to come up with new ones...( and the issue with the Wii games is aside from the Nintendo name on the box they are not really IP you can copyright which has led to a drove of copies ( heck even Move Sport Champions and Kinect adventures are just copies).)

Sony lost many third party exclusives but did a very nice job developing successfull new IPs covering a wide range of genres ( Uncharted, LBP, Heavy Rain, ResistanceFoM to name a few).

Microsoft has a few IPs that are very successfull, the issue is that they cater mostly to the same crowd.( and CoD success has made it so that the fact that Sony not having a big FPS isn't that much an issue).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !