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Runa216 said:

I can't quite understand why people are so quick to go on the offensive. 

"Derp, welcome to the launch window, ever bought a console at launch?" 

Yes I have, almost every system other than the Xbox 360 has been purchased within the first six months of release, and no console or portable has ever had such a weak launch lineup.  Hell, even the PS3 had resistance: Fall of Man. 

"You're a hypocrite for not doing the research"

I did the research, I knew precisely what I was getting into, but I have every intention of purchasing every console  eventually, and I got my tax return so I figured now was as good a time as any, since the price won't drop until at least next year.  

There are other complaints, but really, can you actually ASK things instead of assuming and making accusations based on those assumptions.  I've got plenty of experience with buying consoles and I'm more than capable of researching.  

Resistance Fall of Man is a shooter. If a PS3 purchaser wasn't interested in shooters, just as you I assume weren't interested in fighters like SSFIV3D, then they would have found the PS3's lineup just as useless. You probably should take some time to actually look up what launch games were out with these systems, because your memory for them seems poor. Let me help: 

What would you say the first must own PS3 game was? The first exclusive that was anywhere near a 90 on Meta was the first Uncharted, which didn't release until November 2007, a full year after launch. If we extend to multiplats, then the first multiplat PS3 game was the Oblivion port in March of 2007, 4 months after launch of the PS3, and a full year late from the PC and 360 version. After that, the PS3 didn't even have another multiplat 90 game until November, when it got Call of Duty 4 and Rock Band.

Do you really consider that a better launch? A bunch of 7s, some 8s as the year went on, and no exclusive 9s for an entire year? Is an Ocarina of Time Port, almost sure to be a 9 game, 2 months late a worse launch than no Uncharted for a year? New Mario, Kid Icarus, and Mario Kart this year is worse than no Oblivion for 4 months? No 9 exclusive till almost 2 years after launch? To quote your own post, the PS3 needed its God of War, Ratchet & Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, and Gran Turismo to sell. 

Obviously the PS3 picked up. It now has more exclusives this year than any platform but PC, and more major exclusives than even PC. Your post is skewed, and your memory tinted with rosey glasses. Game console launches suck. They always have, and they probably always will.