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Runa216 said:
A203D said:
Runa216 said:

oh and FF8s story and characters were awful imho. theres a guy on youtube who completley slates every aspect of the game. i at least thought FF8 had a few good qualities, but i also thought the game was also disappointing tbh.

oh, I totally understand that people hated VIII, it was a huge departure from the series' established roots, it had characters that were, by most accounts, incredibly annoying, the junction system was confusing and tedius (drawing suuuucked), and the romance was cheesy and silly.  Yet in spite of all this, I loved it!  I thought the characters were really well develpoped, the junction system allowed for a lot of customization, and the world and story were refreshingly unique. 

I look for the good in everything,  I don't like not liking something, which makes it even weirder and more extreme since I don't much care for XIII, in fact it's probably my single most loathed game of all time, and I have many, many valid reasons for that.  it's a shame, too, because I was really looking forward to it. 

I know what you mean, but the reason i wont accept FF8 and FF13 as good games is because their made by the same developers - who i dont think know how to make compelling gameplay experiences. i mean sure they made FF6 and 7, but Sakaguchi still penned the scripts for both those games, and produced them, he produced FF10 as well.

when Sakaguhci hasnt been involved, i think their games have had really slow, boring stories with non sensical characters. FF8, FF10-2, FF13, FF 7 compliation (Dirge of Cerberus being the key offender) and now The 3rd Birthday all have very bad stories, with unrealistic characters who get too annoying imo.

so personally i think FF8 had some merits on the gameplay side, but i think the team behind that game dosent know how to write believable characters and tell an engrossing story. i felt the first half of FF8 was tedious and never really got interested. i remember playing FF6, 7 and 9, and i didnt want to put the game down, but in FF8 the characters arnt compelling, and i really didnt find the story that engrossing either tbh. however the gameplay was the best for the PS1 series of games i think and that card game was good!