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Simulacrum said:

Ok instead of flop = failed to meet those expections that every single person expected before release.

70% Games(I don't mean names etc, just same kind of games) that will be released to 3DS has already been released on DS without 3D.Why would I buy it?Why would those millions of Ds users that have played all those games many years, buy 3DS and play them again on 3DS?

Actually that could be fun.If it was made to HD instead of 3D.

Anyway I don't see it selling more than maybe 20-30 units lifetime.Which is sad.


Its been outsold by PSP and even normal DS..

Its been outsold by PSP and even normal DS..

Its been outsold by PSP and even normal DS..


The Ps3's launch was terrible, the games were mostly  ports for the first year or so. There were a few exclusives, but at the price tag for the console a lot of people wanted to wait  and see if the system developed before signing on board.  It is doing fine now, but to gloss over the bad press and ill will that sony earned in the early ps3 days would be a mistake. It was considered to be a huge underperformer and diapointment for quite a while.

All launch library tend twords mediocre to bad - with there maybe being a couple of ok games to play when a system is released.  I think that making sure that 3d zelda was ready or something similar would have been a good move. I think the currentt sluggishness of the 3ds is more due to nintendo's slowness to adopt online systems and microtransactions. They have tried some withthe wii and dsi, but overall they are behind the competition in their online setup. Apple and droid have changed how people see potable gaming, and nintendo is not controlling how people spend money like they were in the early days of the casual ds boom. For that matter neither is sony.  Sony will eventually recover from the hacking fiasco, but it is not going to help them compete in the current handheld market for now. microtransactions are huge right now, and that means credit card info is sent somewhere.

oh and, repeating things makes them more true

repeating things makes them more true

repeating things makes them more true.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres