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Runa216 said:

I was going to mention something similar you said about the battle system in FF13. it was like the battles were scripted encounters. so you would have to use certain paradigms and switch to them at certain points or the battles would be long and too boring. - so your encouraged to fight in certain ways!

the problem was you would fight one enemy and then you would fight that same enemy 10-15 times while walking in a straight line. you would also fight this enemy exactly the same way as you fought the last 10 enemies because you only have 2 characters for half the game; and even when theres a 3rd character it dosent get more diverse - just the duration of those enounters decrease because your 3rd character is also doing damage.

however i think FF13s battle system was good, but the whole game was walking in a straight line, fight the same enemy 15 times, watch cutscene, repeat for 60 hours. FF12 was a bit better because it offered more varitey. but action wise, because FF13 was on a seperate field and not seamless the action was visually better.

for some stupidly dumb reason FF13 has enemies presented on the field map, then changes view to a seperate field for fights. Why they do this is beyond me, because your only walking in straight lines, theres no reason to avoid enemies because when you avoid 1 theres another 1 ten feet in front of you. so why make enemies avoidable when you obviously need to beat them for EXP and theres nothing else to do in the game except for fighting enemies. it makes no sense to me!

oh and FF8s story and characters were awful imho. theres a guy on youtube who completley slates every aspect of the game. i at least thought FF8 had a few good qualities, but i also thought the game was also disappointing tbh.