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I have completed 99% of the game level 39 A-spec and level 40 B-spec

i would give it 9.2

PROS- physics and premium  car detail , size and scope

CONS - Polophony's sticking to a  model that is becoming more and more about  car worship and collection with some driving  thrown in and less about actual racing .

progressive damage, sounds like a good idea on paper  (newbies can race without worrying about damage early on)

the trouble is  implementation later on  it takes you 20 deliberate hits or more to lose your door.

many Series are half assed  IE some championships consist of 2 races where they all should be at least four with the choice of completing them as a true Championship as well as single races.

Entry Criteria into championships is to loose.

should be able to make up my own races using cars i own in the field.

With a game of GT's pedigree it was all ways going to be it's scope and ambition that made it strong and the same scope and ambition that is it weakness.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot