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Gt5 is a good game and although at times i hate it it still manages to draw me back time and time again. Theres just something that gets you while playing it. Iv'e had it since november and although i want to stop playing i just cant. I dont know what it is but i love GT5!

A-Spec: A-Spec is the funner of both A- Spec and B-Spec as you actually get to drive the car! Unfortunately that is about as good as i gets. The races are very easy as long as you have a better or faster car. The AI is extremly slow and at times just plain stupid. They dont seem to even react when you overtake they just move out your way. It would be much funner if they fought back and tried to knock you out heir way while taking a slow corner but no.. just move out the way and your in first place. They just seem to fake and computerised as they just follow the driving line its not all that fun and soon gets extremly repetative. The A-Spec races get very boring in the endurance series as you are basically driving instead of racing wether it is for an hour or 24 it is very dull with the most fun generated by crashing or shoving the AI off the track (which feels awsome). i really struggle to stay interested in A-Spec endurance races but listening to music or a podcast can help with the boredom.Also the concept of grinding between levels in order to unlock the next race isnt just that fun. Especially when you need 7 million XP for the next level. It is ridiculusly hard, time consuming and at times stupidly difficult to reach level 40 especially time consuming as you just need to grind so much to reach it. Not looking too good for GT5 then but theres always B-Spec.

B-Spec: B-Spec is also very dull although much easier to get to level 40 than A-Spec you can choose to either race in the story races (if you can call them story races) or pitch your drivers against your friends drivers via online remote races.  This means that you can just leave your drivers to get on with racing while your at the office or school. The endurance races are very good for B-Spec because unlike A-Spec they cant eat into your time or bore you to death. You set them off and thats all you need to do. Its extremely easy as long as you have a fast car your drivers are guaranteed to win. Overall the exact same as A-Spec just that you dont drive and it doesnt eat into your time. What is extremely daft and almost dissopointing is that you cant even name your drivers they are just randomly generated. This takes some fun out of it and can also make the drivers semm almost fake.

Despite all this, all of its flaws it is still a brilliant game and heres why. First of all is the special events. These are a series of difficult and complex races that really do put you through your paces. At times they are frustrating as you fail time and time again. This is a real challange even for old skool GT players.

Secondly are the liscences. A series of tests that train you up in the art of driving GT style. Here you learn how to take corners properly, how to brake effectively and much much more. This is a really usefull mode that enables you to reach your potential despite the dire XP and Money you gain from each test.

Then you are given 1031 cars to choose from which is a lot of cars. Its extremely fun to collect these cars and every time you buy a new car you get a little buzz. Just over 200 of the cars in Gran Turismo are premium which means you can have the luxury of a cockpit view which does definatley enhance the driving experiance although for me the magic has started to wear off. Unfortunately the other 800ish cars are not premium and you cant see inside them.

Next is the photo mode. Here Gran Turismo 5 comes alive. You have an arsenal of stunning photo locations to choose from where you can display and show off your favourite cars. You can even take photos from saved replays so as to get a snap of yourself at your absolute best. Unfortuantely you cant rewind these replays if you miss the second you need to pause in which can be annoying as you have to start the replay again. the options you get when you go to take a shot are immense the only tool i know how to use is the focus but im sure if you are good at cameras then you can take the most amazing photos.

Oh yeah and then theres the graphics. maybe not what was boasted for years by PD but still pretty amazing. There is no lag and it seems to flow very well even though there is so much detail to fit into one frame. They are very crisp and are probably the best graphics i have ever seen on a racing game!

Lastly the track creator. Not the best part of GT5 as you dont have nearly as many options as on photomode and you are also very limited on what you can and cant do. Unfortunately you just cant let your creativity flow on this mode and its usually luck as to wether you make a good track or not.

So why play GT5? Well there is so much more to GT5 than what i have mentioned above. You can choose to collect all the cars and if you do you get a trophy! It is extremely rewarding to get a tropy on GT5 as the  trophies are almost impossible to get and usually only bronze but still very rewarding. You can collect paints, horns and upgrade you car to add "the personal touch" You can just mess about on practice mode and have fun in the cars you collect. There is also quite a good range of tracks so you can have some fun  going fast on tarmac or fight for contol on the snow and dirt tracks. You can even make the weather vary e.g. from light to night or from sunny to raining. The weather system is pretty cool. If your really a big fan there are online communities such as GTPlanet where you can interact with other gran turismo fans and trade cars, paints etc.

My tips: First of all dont play alone. With very boring, mechanical and repetative races its funner to be able to quickly nip online to mess about with a friend or to see who can do which race or reach which level first. Im playing with a friend and i hate to imagine how hard it would be to plod on alone. The more friends the better. Trade as much as possible so as to make more friends. The more the merrier!

Secondly do something during the races. I have found that listening to my own music really helps or maybe a podcast. This keeps you alert and to be frank at times it can keep you awake. Trust me you dont want to be bored during a race.

Lastly dont let the game get to you. At times the game can be extremely chalanging and almost impossible but the worst thing to do is get mad as it worsens your performance and you will just get angrier and angrier. (NOT GOOD) Accept that some trophies are extremely hard to get but dont give up just stop if your frustrated and try again the next day.

Should i buy this game?

Well it depends on who you are. First of all if your not the biggest fan of racing games its likely this game is not for you. Also if you are the sort of person that maybe goes on your ps3 occasioanlly maybe an hour or 2 a week its not for you. Your better off getting a need for speed or Dirt because this game is just so time consuming. I am currently level 30 A-Spec and 35 B-Spec and i have been playing for around 6 months. Dont let this put you off though if you do have time and really get down into the nitty gritty of a game then it is definately for you. It may take you time but its more than likely your going to enjoy it just as i have. Theres just so much to explore that youll never run out of things to do!

Overall rating: 9.3 I think its a brilliant game and i am definately hooked but at times i get very bored by the A-Spec and B-Spec modes especially on the endurance races. Luckily i am provided with much more than just racing to do on the game. I love it! 

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt