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  • the premium cars, the best looking graphical cars ever in a game, there is just sooo much freakin detail they put into them
  • the physics, this game has the best racing physics out of any console game there is, this is such a realistic experience,
  • it is by far the best console sim, nothing else comes close. laps times like for llike with reallife counterparts.
  • courses, perfectly recreated with immense attention to detail, same dimmensions, everything.
  • this is the fisrt racing/sim game that i have owned, no other GT game or any other sim has interested me in the slightest to buy, but this one did, and i loved it. i didnt know what to expect going in, having never owned this type of game, but i loved it, and even bought $120 wheel for it.
  • weather effects, are gorgeous, the best ive ever seen, the weather is great looking, and it si great to drive in, it effect the physics in such a realistic way, proving once again that GT5 is an unrivaled simulator.
  • content, content, content. this game is filled with content with over 1000 cars and 230 premium cars, over 70 tracks, a course maker, A-spec, B-spec, lisence tests, special events, nascar, rally car, you name it its there. lest not forget cart racing either, thats fun
  • photo mode, nothing shows of GT5 and all its glory like taking pictures like a pro, i love going air born in muy mclaren, and taking awesome photos.


  • graphics are very uneven, premiums look awesome, and tracks look great in motion. but some of the stuff is very ps2 era. 2d trees, 2d fans, and half the standard cars look pretty bad.
  • music is pretty darn bad for the most part. i had to turn off many many songs becuase how bad they are, at least i can use my own music, wait i dont have any good music on my ps3. darn.
  • menus arent great.
  • about 400 of the 800 standard car look terrible, ps2 ports, others, seem to match up to what yo would expect of a ps3 game.
  • so many random cars are premium, while cars like the bugatti veyron are standard. and choice in car selection is very suspect.

overall this is a very great game, i invested nearly $200 into it. and i love it. some of the career mode can drag on, and the game can be vey difficult, but its just so fun, being in a phot-realistic cockpit of a car, and racing. get the game, it deserves the sales. and its undertracked