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For all those talking about system back up and transfers.  I'm not sure if this was clarified yet :)

The "Backup Utility" DOES back up EVERYTHING.  It only RESTORES everything if you are restorting on the same machine.  If you are restoring onto a different machine, most stuff is restored but some stuff (the copy protected stuff, so downloaded games, movies and copy protected saves) aren't.  This option isn't so great for transferring from one machine to another.  This is more used for upgrading the HDD in the same machine.

The "Data Transfer Utility" transfers EVERYTHING from one machine to another and erases most everything off of the original PS3.  This is the best option for transferring from one machine to another.  It does require that both machines be operational and on (only 1 needs to be connected to a TV though) and I believe it requires ethernet cable between the two machines.