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RolStoppable said:
Mr.Ashtear said:

The 3DS is obviously struggling...but thats a good thing, Nintendo´s best games comes when they are feeling the heat. 

The bad thing though is that it can take them up to ten years to make said games.

No.. Nintendo is not Polyphony. lol!! Nintendo will have a large amount of games to show at E3. I can guarantee you that. I personally thought they released the 3DS too soon (at least in the U.S.) They should have released it in Sept. It'll eventually take off once more quality titles get released and the price gets under $200. The price of the system was too high, but I'm still happy with my purchase. I have no plans to get a NGP at launch however. I know it's going to cost $299 and I'm not forking over that amount for a handheld. I'll probably wait a couple years before I get that. I still like my PSP anyways.


'gaming till I'm gone'