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Not sure why all of the hate for Twighlight Princess over the years.  It's just as good as any other Zelda which means it's excellent IMO.  I mean, do people want a drastic change to the Zelda formula?  Some might I suppose, but wouldn't it cease to be Zelda if it was changed too much?  I see all of the time in threads, "Zelda should be more like the Elder Scolls games," and stuff like that.  Ask for a new IP if you want Elder Scrolls gameplay from Nintendo.  I don't want that in my Zelda.  I like the formula.  Give me new locations, people to visit, new story, and new upgrades and I'm OK with the same formula.  TP was an evolution of the gameplay in that it added some new things (like dueling on horseback) while staying true to its roots IMO.  To each his own I guess.

As for the genre classification... I can't think of anything more pointless to argue about.  It's freaking Zelda for crying out loud! And there aren't many games out there that are just like it.  Plus, how many game franchises try a new art style with each iteration.  That's part of the fun of being a Zelda fan is getting to see what the new style will be for the game.  It makes each feel unique.  I'm rambling, and I digress so I'll stop now.

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."