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Good game and incredibly deep sim held back a bit by not evolving and somewhat static gameplay.


-  The deepest and most complex racing sim on the market.  If your looking for super deep mechanics for raceing you won't find anywhere better to get it.

-  Probably the best physics in a racer ever

-  Graphics on the fully detailed cars are phenominal and some of the most impressive this gen.

-  HUGE amount of content.  Everything is available from huge tracks, hundreds and hundreds of cars, go karts, and even Nascar


-  Raceing at the end of that day to me isn't all that fun.  Its a blast at first but is incredibly repetitive and almost too realistic for its own good.  The game looses a bit of the thrill and sheer fun factor by taking itself so serious.

-  Menus are endless and not all that pretty.  In fact I hate the menues.

-  Graphics in some areas are pretty poor actually.

Overall I for sure think for what it is GT5 is amazing and can understand why sim fans love it.  To me however it feels mostly like the same game I've been plaing forever with just better graphics and physics. The series really needs to evolve a bit and improve the single player game and up the fun factor a bit.
