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Ail said:
Arcturus said:

ugh... looks like PSN is down for maintainance again. I can't log in to update everyone's trophy information. I'll try again a bit later. If this continues, there may not be an update today.

Supposed to be back online at 8 pm EST

Is it to bring the PS store back up? At any rate, I'm not in a position to check...

And Ail, I think I'll do what you did. I found someone on craigslist who can fix it for $45. Then I'm gonna back up my data and upgrade to a slim.

I considered doing the repair myself, but it's a bit intimidating cracking open the system, in case I accidentally snap something. Considering the materials to fix it myself would cost ~$20, I figured the $25 I'd save isn't worth the risk of losing my data.

Thanks to everyone for chiming in with advice. Hopefully I'll be back to trophy hunting in no time

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes