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chenguo4 said:

So my PS3 gave me the blinking red light treatment. I don't know, maybe all the GT5ing killed it. I've waited a few hours now, and it's still doing the same thing, so I'm assuming it wasn't just a simple overheat issue.

So questions for people who've dealt with this before:

1) I see some videos on youtube where you pop it open and do some soldering to get working again. Anyone has experience with this? My PS3 is from June 2008 (MGS4 bundle) so I'm sure my warranty's out.

2) If I were to get a new PS3, would I be able to just take out the hard drive on my old one and pop it in the new one? Otherwise is there some other way to extract my files?

You can not switch drives.

They are encrypted and the first thing that will happen if yous switch them is that it will get reformated.

I don't have experience fixing it but when it happened to me 18 months ago I found someone in my area on craig list that fixed it for 50$ in only 2 days.( I still bought a new PS3 but at least i could transfert my saves thanks to the fix).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !