Kasz216 said:
ninty_shareholder64 said:
Kasz216 said:
I think so.
I mean, it won't be full price and it will have extras right? Including HD graphics?
Every console MH has seen pretty good increases.
I mean... correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't MH games mostly remakes anyway with just added content?
I always got that impression that it was kinda like they kept what they had then just added more stuff each time.
Why do you think so?
The answer is: you didn't even spent the time to check the sales of MH-psp-console-ports like MHG on Wii and PS2.
I already pointed to these sales. MHG sales on Wii: 230k, on PS2: 250k
So, imo, you should check the facts because without research your opinion is just a shot in the dark.
MHG was a straight port was it not?
So it seems that i was wrong.
MHG on Wii was a straight port of the PS2 version and sold 280k, while the original PS2 version sold 250k.
I thought both were ports of the PSP version, but i've done my research badly.
So the comparison with this MH-versions is not that valid. Or the other way around:
-->ports sell better than originals in specific circumstances
Perhaps i am dead wrong, but i can't see this version selling in the million range.
Have a nice day and sorry for my harsh words. Sometimes i like to overdraw a bit.