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dsister said:


Really what's the point of buying a port of a PSP game on the PS3? The only reason I could see to pick it up over the cheaper PSP version would be to unlock achievements. If I was remotely interested in this game this news would have made me buy it on the PSP instead of the PS3 

You  can play them with others without restrictions.

Monster is designrf with multiplayer in mind and unlike Japan where everybody on the island has the potential to meet up at local gatherings we westerners dont. We could resort to Ad HOC party but its kinda halved assed..u need a wierded conncection and you have to keep the PS3 running, also you have to be in Ad Hoc screen whivh is lame

most PSP games dont infratructure mode so you cant use the net either

on PS3 it allows for seeming connectivity and thats more than enough reason...not meaingless trophies.