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Ail said:
Tbone said:
Ail said:

Got 1 bronze trophy in the last 6 days, this coming update is going to suck.......

Haven´t earned a singel trophy over a month.

My parents have been visiting for the last 10 days and they leave Thursday so hopefully this coming week end I can start earning more trophies, although as long as I am playing GT5 and Dead Nation it won'tbe a huge amount of trophies...( especially as I have realized that making lvl 40 in A-Spec in GT5 is going to be a hell grind, I'm only lvl 34 and 34 to 40 is 5 times the exp from 1 to 34....)

Well, im currently in almost the same position as you. Getting dead nation from the welcome backage tomorrow and playing gt5 (a34/b38) / creating lvls in lbp2. I think at this stage, the fastest way to level up aspec is to gold the x1 challenges, they earn you alot of xp.... i gonna pass lvl34 after completing the 9h race. so i could do the first 24h race afterwards for the first time, followed by golding x1 challenges in order to reach the lvl required for the last 24h race (lvl 38 isnt it?)

More realistically, im gonna do the 9h race and then switch to bspec to get lvl40, plat a different game, do a 24h race, plat a different game, gold one x1 challenge, plat a dif game aso.

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