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Carl2291 said:
ninty_shareholder64 said:

that's utopia, imo.

not the week 2 comment, the thread as a whole. Why should a remake on a console with smaller userbase (compared to Wii and to PS2) sell more than any MH game on console before?

the distribution of this is poll is more than alarming, imo.

So many biased people?

The thread is not about which game do YOU prefer!

Well... Tales of Graces released on the Wii, exclusively. Tales of Graces F released on the PS3 a year later and outsold the Wii version after a single Week. These things happen.

No. No it wont. I don't think it will be a Million seller in Japan, should do 800-900k though lifetime. If it was an exclusive MH game and not just a port of a Portable game, then I would say like 1.4 Million.


why? a port on a console from an 6year old handheld? that's something different than a Wii-PS3 sort of port.

MHG sales on Wii: 230k, on PS2: 250k

i think it will be in this range.