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RolStoppable said:
Tizona said:

My hope would be that some of the "mass market" that didn't play these games when they first came out, may not have even been gamers at that time, and so a few of them will come over to our side as real gamers or whatever the hell we who post on game forums call ourselves.

It seems like this (as with most arguments) boils down to what each person views as failure, and how we view the market as pieces and as a whole. I don't think we'll ever all agree, but it's fun to discuss. I don't agree with everything you guys have said, but seriously, if you get your 3DS online, I'm always up for a game....when they come out.

My hope would be that people like you would come over to my side and consider the massmarket to be real gamers. I am perfectly fine with these people never playing through Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64 or any Metal Gear Solid. These people still deserve to get games made for them. Games that they have shown that they want.

I'm really confused Rol. I agree with you I think. To me the mass market is everyone who plays games for the sheer purpose of fun and entertainment. They may play only Mario, only Halo, or only Just Dance, as long as the play games. Everyone deserves games to be made for them I don't see where we diverge in this. I'm totally against the so called hardcore/softcore crap. Gamers are gamers. There are those of us for who it is more than just a hobby, but we are no better than the other who just play because games are FREAKIN AWESOME.