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uncharted-sonys second biggest franchise. Uncharted 4 is a no brainer for either ps3 or ps4.  there will be a uncharted game for ps4. But i do think ND will also work on a new ip.

god of war-whether kratos is in it or not there will more than likely be a second GOW trilogy, perhaps featuring a different protagonist in a different mythos. 

Gran Turismo-duh

LBP-there will DEFINITLY be a lbp3 on ps4(if not ps3) and it will launch in holiday season, they have learned there lesson with lbp2(which i might add will still probably reach 3 million with bundling and holiday sales). SOny is trying for a mario level mascot here.

On the bubble-depends on sales, new ip success, other factors

infamous-lets be honest here this game costs a pretty penny to produce: open world, great presentation. unless infamous 2 sells 2 million before a price reduction(and then continues to sell) I dont see this series continueing to ps4 with the no doubt enlarged development costs. a third on the ps3 is possible with decent sales.

twisted metal-twisted metal ps3 = a hit, then twisted metal will be on ps4. that simple. If not new ip.

resistance/ratchet--unless the new games in these franchises are total cash cows(3 million for r3 and 1.5-2.0 for r and c.) I think insomniac will focus on their new multiplatform ip next generation. depends on the success of that new ip.

killzone-killzone 3 is doing well and its looking like it will pass KZ2.  But i think a new ip as a launch title for the ps4 is what they are working on right now and depedning on the success of that title we may never see another killzone.

Nope, not coming back

SOCOM-its done, new ip coming. if thats ip fails say goodbye to zipper.

motosrstorm-new ip will be developed. game is a commercial failure.