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vlad321 said:

1. SO every town had a murderer all the time? Every village had nonstop executions? THe population back then was much, much smaller than it is today, and even in big cities we don't get all that many heinous crimes. Your claim is baseless and outright wrong. Furthermore you imply that everyone in the town would go see these, not just the ones who have some interest in them. Great example right here, we're discussing a cae that happened a world away, never woudl have ever known about this thing if it had happened even more than 15 years ago.

2. Maybe you aren't aware that that's why we there are different degrees of murder as sentences that weight the purpose. Also, rape is fairly blakc and white, and involvement of children too, where purpose really doesn't matter one bit other than the fact it's malicious.

3. I made it clear perfect clear before, maybe you didn't catch on. It's a form of "hell" that is not made up. The concept of hell already keeps a huge part of populations in check already. I don't see how a very tangible form of "hell" wouldn't be even more effective.

1. Most towns had a murderer at some point. I don't see what's the deal of your obssession with "non-stop executions". Most people would go and see these, as it was a passtime (not much to do back then). How is my claim baseless? If you don't believe me, then look it up.

2. Really. The reason why someone commits rape doesn't matter? Do you think that some magical force posseses the rapist, and he commits such an act?

3. Except it was practiced in the past, and it failed miserably. Honestly, deny it all you want, but this is a fetish for you. You should be a villain in a dystopian novel.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
