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First Livable Planet (Other than Earth) Discovered in Space

For those of you that are afraid of pollution, consider this good news. Scientists beleive they’ve found the first planet,outside of our solar system, that can support life.

Gliese 581d shows it has the potential to be warm and wet enough to nurture Earth-like life (who deosn’t count as “Earth Like?”). It revolves around a star called Gliese 581, located around 20 light years from Earth.

Unfortunately (especially for you walkers) 20 light years is very far away. How far?

Our present “rocket technology” would allow us to get there in a shade under 330,000 years…or roughly the life span of 3,917 turtles combined.

However, there’s hope. Say, for instance, that we were able to develop the technology to travel at light speed–not only would it be amazingly badass, but it would allow us to reach plant in a mere 20 years (roughly how long it takes a human to become educated…space school, anyone?).

“With a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere – a likely scenario on such a large planet – the climate of Gliese 581d is not only stable against collapse but warm enough to have oceans, clouds and rainfall,” France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) said.

 So with global warming becoming a hotter issue by the day, perhaps it’s time to put our heads together and find a way to get to Gliese 581 (kind of sounds like the name of a lame night-club, though)