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Oh really? History tells us that? When in history have we had something  that informs you of the news like the Internet? Hell I'll even set for something like a TV? A radio?

Historically just about everyone other than whoever was at the execution heard about what happens to criminals by word of mouth, or if they are lucky in a newspaper if they can read (lower classes couldn't read until recently). Maybe, just maybe, if some sociopath play the video of the guy who had acid dripped in his eyes, or if the video is uploaded for some reason, he will be able to see just what happens when he pulls some retarded stuff and appeal to his very basic instinct of survival.

In the past there would be things like public hangings. The punishment of people who commited crimes used to be public spectacle for the blood thirsty masses. There goes your hypothesis.

As I said, he should have been institutionalized BEFORE he commited any crime. After he commited it, what the hell is the point? He already committed the crime, he should be punished accordignly. Honestly I don't think it should be an eye for an eye. If malicious intent was involved, then the wronged should be able to choose the punishment of the perpertrator, as long as it is within reasonable limits. That right there is perfect justice. 

I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by "institutionalized". Do you mean thrown in jail? You can't throw people in jail if they don't commit any crimes. Do you mean he should've been commited in a mental institution? Well, if he has mental problems, then it's obviously not his fault, and he shouldn't be punished, but rather treated for his illness.

When you throw him in an institutionor in jail did you prevent his doing terrible things than when he is blind?

People are very resourceful. As long as they're not rehabilitated, to only sure way to make sure they don't commit a crime is to simply kill them.

In other cases, if you kill the motherfucker outright with chances are there of him doing anything wrong to others?

None. He's dead. Killing the people you don't like to make them go away... Why hasn't anyone come up with this ideea before?

Let me put it this way. It is really nice and great to sit on high and look on below and speak, but when shit happens to you, that is when you grow a real pair of balls and realize that there are just humans who should never be allowed to live in a society

Maybe there are such individuals. I doubt there's many of them. Most of the times they're just people with serious problems, but are described the way you said because no one can realise what their issues are. It's quite easy to just call someone PURE EVIL.

and special some should be punished by brutal torture (I don't believe in this hell shit they talk about in fairy tales, they need to suffer while alive for me to be happy) before being killed.

I do not want to live in a society where torture is considered an appropriate form of punishment. Why don't you go back in time and live in the Middle Ages. Guess that period would fit your worldview.

The whole "let's fix human society by locking away people even if they have commited inhuman acts" is EXTREMELY idealistic. It is the exact equivalent of me saying that communism works. Well I hate to break your fragile ignorant world, but it DOESN'T work, some are not worthy of being called a human, and it is laughable to think an institionalization as a punishment will actually do anything down the road. What kind of a deterent is it knowing you will be in an institutionalized? You have to appeal to much more basic things, like the instinct of survival, to these sub-humans so you can prevent crime.

First, you should wathc your tongue. There's no need to insult me. Won't make your argument any more comnvincing. As I said, your solution doesn't work either. Plus, the appropriate method for rehabilitation has not been found yet.

Another issue I was talking about is PREVENTING crime for happening, and the threat of violent punishment doesn't work. It never has (especially in the long term). The best way to solve this is to study the causes of what makes people commit a certain crime, and to try to eliminate it (which will result in long term success). Such behaviour is a sign that there's a problem within society, a problem that needs to be fixed. In order to fix it you need to find out what it is, and you won't be able to do that if you start killing and torturing people. Most people don't go around commiting crimes for no reason.

You're response is one fueled by emotion, and such a response is not appropriate for such a situation. In past threads I let my emotions get the best of me, and make claims such as yours. Such a response makes you no better than this guy. After all, he commited a crime of passion, fueled by his emotions, and even now he doesn't realsie that what he did was wrong. Similarly, you yourself don't see just how terrible and inhuman your views are.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
