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Thanks for your opinion, but I prefer the opinions of those who aren't trolling a topic about a game they don't care about and a system they don't own. "

Trolling? I will agree that I didn't make a very detailed or nuanced posting. But we are talking about a Role-Playing-Game. A game type that is all about the story and a cool world. And it is situated in a world where a couple of primary color hued hedgehogs fight Dr. Robotnik. (Which is about it as far as I have understood the story.)

No bad feelings but this is the worst setup ever. The screens look pretty cool, the maker is Bioware the best existing RPG developing studio (after Bethesda) but all of this cannot overcome the problem that you are a blue hedgehog.
If people can live with that I wish them good luck but negative opinions are not trolling per se. (And I would also stamp on this game if it was a PS3 or PC game)