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Badassbab said:
D-Joe said:
Badassbab said:
D-Joe said:
Badassbab said:
brendude13 said:
Badassbab said:

I'm gonna wait for DF and LOT but if this looks better on 360 (I hope not as I want the PS3 version due to one disc and I doubt it due to it being platform lead on PS3) then it's gonna be a big blow for all the PS3 fanboys who've been anticipating a PS3 H2H win.

HEY, this is like the 4th website I have seen you on xD.

Either those pictures are bullshit, or it's bullshit that Rockstar said the PS3 would be the lead platform.

At the moment I believe Rockstar more than some random screenshots, I'll wait for more comparisons.

I'm a regular on Lens of Truth, Eurogamer and VG Chartz not sure about the 4th. IGN? Don't really comment on that one.

Team Bondi are the ones who said it lead on the PS3 and they are using their own game engine (Not RAGE that powered GTAIV and RDR). I'll be very surprised if 360 version is technically better. It might be in some ways but judging by recent H2H where the PS3 is lead it seems developers are now begining to offload tasks onto the SPU more while in order to keep the 360 up to speed the developers make sure the the frame buffer fits within the Edram so they don't have to resort to performance sapping tiling and as we all now know to fit in 10MB Edram something has to give i.e resolution or AA. E.g Gears 3 will have no AA but will be 720p.

well Gears2 already 2xAA and 720p

It was dynamic 2xAA whereby the AA would give way to other effects so if the scene had other post processing effects such as motion blur, it would turn off.

according to B3D,not dynamic 2xAA(if it's they will notice it)

and you know,GTA4,2xAA,RDR,2xAA,Fallout 3,4xAA

I stand corrected. It uses AA early on in the rendering process so 2xAA on static objects, baked lighting and shadows etc. But not on anything else so Epic got rid of it in Gears 3 to save resources.

Also those games you mentioned cut back in other areas like motion blur, depth of field, HDR, alpha effects (or lack of).

er ok at first i thought you just talking between AA and res
