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highwaystar101 said:

Ah, now I get you. I thought that because I was talking about how he should be dealt with by the justice system, you were also talking about that. In that case, it's still sociopathic if men can think that they have some cultural right to treat women in this way. If he was in a western country where women are equals, his behaviour would probably be defined as sociopathic anyway. (Gah! Curse my western bias!)

Also, it's obvious that this punishment is cultural in that it was given by a court operating under Sharia law. But this punishment in particular is unusual enough that news of it made it here to the west, so I thought maybe this punishment was way outside of the norm (i.e. not practised traditionally).

Western bias indeed. Truth is that it's often for behaviours that are viewed as negative by society to be tagged as "mental illness" (homosexuality is a great example, and narcisism is probably even a better one - yes, it was considered a a mental disorder not too long ago). Now this man's actions aren't tolerated even within his native culture, but it could be that cultural his cultural indictrination regarding gender roles have determined him to beleive that acting like this is justifiable.

As for your second paraghraph, well I'm quite sure poeple don't go throwing acid in eachother's faces everday, so it's probably not common that they apply such punishment. The whole point is that they DO apply such punishment and certain situations, and that's the outrageous part that warrants attention.

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"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

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