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They are innocent until proven guilty, and punishment by proxy is never justified. Now if you are going to argue otherwise then I will say this. You deserved to have had your data stolen in the first place. This is guilt by association, and it is never just or right. Even if some in a group behave badly that doesn't mean that the entire group deserves to be punished. You want a good reason why this is just plain wrong. I can lay some examples out for you the holocaust, concentration camps, feuds, and terrorist bombings.

Do not feed into a cycle this is going to cause the violence to escalate, and is going to justify dehumanization of victims. The only thing this story tells me is that the number of victims is increasing. Oh and if this isn't all just staged to garner some sympathy or to distract people. Those who were outed are probably going to suspect that this supposed rat is just a thug for hire. Which means they are only going to have one more reason to go after Sony, and will justify further acts on their part. They just might make the same leap that people are making here. They are going to say Sony is behind this whole thing.

This wasn't justice, and it isn't going to make things better.