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darkknightkryta said:

Yes he bought Eidos from a company all to willing to sell, SCI was all to get rid of that money sink that was Eidos and Wada bought that money sink, plus Eidos hasn't exactly released anything stellar in years.  Dragon Quest is with Nintendo because the creator says its with Nintendo, nothing more, if the creator wants Dragon Quest 10 on the Zune then it's gonna damn well be on the zune.  He secured a deal with Microsoft?  Or MIcrosoft went to Wada with a truck of cash?   And yes it is Wada's fault that his production teams are in a mess.  Final Fantasy 13's biggest problem is a lack of QA, if they had it the game could have been a lot better than it was, maybe even close to being the best in the series, but there was no QA and that's Wada's fault for it not being there, same with Final Fantasy 14.  Production team one being shit game designers is his fault cause after 3 years nothing getting done, obviously the people in charge weren''t working.  The entire team didn't even know what they were doing with the game, where it was going, how it was supposed to be played, until a year and a half before the game went gold.  That kind of mismanagement goes all the way to the top; Kitase and Toriyama arn't working, move them to another project and get people who do know what they're doing.  And even with their mistakes he's letting them make the sequel, good job there Wada.  Nomura taking 7 years with Final Fantasy versus goes back to Wada wanna know why?  Cause it was Wada who okayed moving most of Final Fantasy versus dev team to work on Final Fantasy XIII. So yes Square Enix's mess is his fault, he's supposed to be running the company a company which isn't run well.

Edios will prove themselves with Deus Ex imo. the fact that Wada bought Eidos shows hes thinking about the company from a global perspective. which is good - thats why FF13 went multiplatform, thats why Square have been releasing so many JRPGs like never before in Europe, thats why we've been getting so many special editions. because Wada is managing Sqaure to suceed on a global scale. this is why Dragon Quest games are releasing in Europe and this is also why Dragon Quest 9 had a monunmental marketing campagin here in the west thanks to Wada's partnership with Nintendo to publish the game here in the west - something which Sqaure were reluctant to do before.

and you've moved on to talk about the mismangment of the Final Fantasy teams. - Wada has given them 5 years. and a million dollar budget, no other developer in the west has had such problems. how can Wada move them onto other projects when the fans will send him death threats again - they are the Final Fantasy Production Team, its the main game they work on - he cant move them to another project.

even when he moved them onto the The 3rd Birthday, it was evident that they were the problem. since The 3rd Birthday has pretty much killed the Parasite Eve reboot here in the west.

they failed and now he has to clean up their mess, plain and simply, we have no idea what Toriyama and Kitase have been doing - but their game designers. its up to them to do a QA/play testing of the product. if the CEO interfers - they would have it out with him. hes not directly involved with the production of games - and why would anyone want him to be. a CEO should be a business man - not a game designer. we saw how Sakaguchi nearly bankrupted Sqaure because he wasnt a buisness man - Wada is - and i dont blame him for Kitase, Toriyama, Nomura, etc taking years to make poor quality products.