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cool! thanks! Before I sold it, I tried loading my save game and I had completely forgoten what part I was on LOL! I was aiming to hit lvl 50 for my character which was already lvl 42 after finishing it the first time. Heres hoping to WKC2 supporting my save file :P I hope they finish the story in WKC2 coz with the way its being localized I have a bad feeling that a 3rd installment wont see the light of day for the west.

By the way, how is trinity of souls : zill o'll? I tried the demo and didn't like it much but IMO demos aren't good indications if an RPG is good so i'm curious to know other's opinion on it. I'm thinking of adding to my backlog (lol) and i'm torn between ME2, Vanetica and trinity of souls : zill o'll. Vanetica and ME2 are a good $15 cheaper here which is why i'm inclined to get either of the two but I do prefere JRPGs or at least RPGs from Japan. Or i could just pickup VC w/c is $10 cheaper than ME2. ahhh....If only I hand't traded my copy of VC for SF4. Stupid SF4 and its infinit iterations! stupid Capcom!