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7.89 is too high imo. Just for kicks, I'll give my review anyway.


- Solid gameplay- Deadeye is a great idea and works really well.

- Voice acting and characters, particularly West Dickens and McDougal are great.

- The ending was good, although, I had to figure out on the internet that I hadn't actually beaten the game yet.


- Boring sidequests. It's pretty interesting that "American Appetites" was the first side quest I did, because not only is it by far the most interesting, it actually misled me initially to think that this game was filled with great side content, which isn't the case. And plant collecting? Really Rockstar? You want me to collect plants? Seriously?

- The story. Half of this story is complete utter filler. I'm looking at you, Mexico, where maybe two of the ten quests you partake on there actually relate to the main plot, and not some crappy civil war that I couldn't care less about.

- Minigames. The only good one is horseshoes. Not exactly shocking, considering most of them in GTA IV were awful as well.

Overall: 5/10

In short, I felt like I got sold a different game by the marketing campaign than the one I actually bought. I've been burned by Rockstar twice this gen and am never buying any of their games close to full price again. I thought I would play this game 25-30 hours and ended up playing it about 10. It's pretty pathetic that for those 10 hours, about half of them were actually pertaining to the main story, while the other half is full of a filler story that has no bearing on Marston at all. I'm a huge fan of this game's source material, and I really felt like Rockstar let me down once again. LA Noire looks interesting, but like I said, I don't trust Rockstar at all and the fact that it's a week away from release and they've shown absolutely no gameplay footage makes me lol at them and their deceptive marketing once again.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.