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last RPG beaten: Resonance of Fate and it was awsome gameplay wise. Story was a missed oportunity. They could have expanded on it a lot and the game wouldnt just be awsome but LEGENDARY.

Currently playing: Star Ocean 4. Still chuging allong. I have finally passed the emo Edge part (thank God) and just doing random stuff in Roak. Will move to Aoes soon once I feel like it. I'm already 60 hours in and I'm still at this part. Its emo Faiz time. Seriously, I really dont like this game. its a good thing i like punishment otherwise i'd have given up on this game.

NExt in line: I have trinity universe and altiere Rorona waiting and will be playing it in that order. Then probably a second playthrough of RoF to get the platinum trophy. Hopefully i'll be done by September then I can start looking into my wish list.

Cant wait for White Knights Chronicles 2. Will it really have a re-worked version of WKC1 on it too? coz i just soled my WKC1 copy.

My wish list

1. Valkaryie Chronicles

2. Hyperdimension NEptuna

3. Ar tonelico Qoga

4. Mass Effect 2

5. Dragon Age 2

6. Demons Soul

Damn, when I first got my PS3 i was like "WTF?! no RPGs?!", now I'm like "WTF?! way too many RPG games!"..