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I am more of a nintendo gamer. The only system I own outright is the Wii.but I have played some 360 and ps3. My brother owns the ps3, and we were roomates for several years. One of my current roomates owns the 360.  I like both, but probably prefer the ps3. I did have an old unused psn account from around 2007 that could have been hacked.


At first, my response was that I was less likely to trust sony. However, they have been trying really hard to protect their consumers.  I would feel safe buying a ps3 if I got a second system. I would feel safe buying a sony next gen. I would feel safe buying a 360 or its sucessor for that matter.


There is no such thing as a system safe from all defect or from all hackers. The rrod was coered by a warranty. the hacking is susposed to handled by some sort of insurance/policy for users of sony from what I have heard. both companies  have tried to make up for mistakes and I wouldn't hold it agaisnt either in the future.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres