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Jazz2K said:
spammythesmartone said:
Jazz2K said:


I won't start comparing Kinect vs Eye Toy and Wiimote vs Move as this has nothing to do with the thread.

Ok you don't like it it's ok but why bother posting?

Anyway, I can't wait to see what these companies will do with Kinect, in this case, first party studios don't have to develop for multiple control systems so all ressources will be focused at one place.

I didn't start it so why did you get into it, and  kinect doesn't work with a real game assuming it will and buying a product and buying the software just makes more shovelware be made which is what MS is doing now, if you can't see that then thats your own shortcomming but the fact remains we haven't seen kinect work with a real game or even a tech demo of a real game 


If I can't see what? You and I have different taste and different views on what is gaming. I can very well have fun with non gamers and still call myself a gamer. You seem to have a very narrow definition of what a game is since you keep talking about "real" games not possible on Kinect. If a "real" game is another definition of "hardcore" game to you then guess what, there's still controllers to play these games with. If Microsoft comes with new studios to make better implementation of Kinect into "real" games then so be it. I'll wait and see. Now stop hating before you contract some sort of cancer

hell yea so true , that cancer is spreading throught his  body called move sucks balls