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Well I agree you with this whole, don't let your religious beliefs offend people. I mean can't celebrate Christmas because my uncle's an athiest. He tried to get my family to take God out of Christmas and Easter saying we shouldn't celebrate Jesus's birth or resurection because he doesn't believe. Then at every job I have done I have been strictly told not to say Marry Christmas instead I'm supposed to say Happy Holiday's I of course didn't listen but its pretty sad I was told not to. Then the anthem Athiests in the country want God taken out of the anthem because they don't believe he exists.

In our schools your not supposed to pray in public. I had a Bible study at one school but when I went into an inner city school they said that no Bible Study groups were allowed. People support Gay marriage and suddenly church's aren't supposed to preach the Bible, members of the Government even tried to get the Bible banned as hate literature.

This whole political correctness towards religious beliefs is ruining my country. It seems the rules only apply to Christianity. I mean I saw posters all over my city for duvalle, they had a huge parade and everyone was saying happy duvalle to each other. I even did so I thought it was interesting to celebrate someone elses holiday. Passover weekend happens and everyone is talking about how Moses parted the red sea and in Vancouver their were celebrations for Hannuka and Passover. Ramadan is also celebrated here.

Why is it only Christian's who have to shut up and not celebrate their holiday's? How offensive can saying Merry Christmas be? Seriously my uncle is juvinille to think that we shouldn't celebrate our holidays because he's an athiest.

Athiests, Muslim's, Jews, Sihk's , Hindu's , Buddhists we all should celebrate our holidays and leave Christian's and those who believe differently the hell alone. Political correctness is destroying our countries.

As for racism, I think each race has traits and pointing them out should not be deemed racist. Black people tend to be bigger then whites, white's tend to be bigger then asian's. Asian's must have migrated from Asia. I found it funny one time a speaker came to my school to talk about political correctness and she was Asian. She said how upset and hurt she was when someone asked her which country she was from. She replied Canada and the person asked again which country of origin she was from. She apparently got upset and walked away. She said it was discriminitary she said a white guy wouldn't go up to another white guy and ask the question. Of course I have asked many white people where they come from, I think its a decent question. But no she said it was politically incorrect and hurtful.

But when people start insulting ones religion (Like Athiests do right here on VGChartz and other groups across all borders) or when someone leads a white supremecy group calling for genocide. Or my rascist prick friend gives another talk about how interacial relationships are wrong because white people should never go out with a black person because whites are superior. Those cases I am against.

I am against intollerance, but as such I think all groups should start tollerating each other. Athiests need to learn that everyone shouldn't do everything for them. Religious people need to realize not everyone believes what they do and should be able to practice all their own holiday's. People just need to grow a pair and stop whinning and complaining at every little thing.

Its called multiculturalism, everyone should be free to believe what they want and practice those beliefs as long as they are legal!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer