Ohhhhhh yea, I can only imagine a shit ton of games (hardcore) coming out this fall, be it Kinect or not.
Lets review whats coming to the 360 (this fall mostly) which might interest the hardcore:
-Forza 4
-Halo Combat re-evolved (Heavily rumoured)
-Gears 3
-Steel Batalion
-Alan Wake (New but not 2)
-Codename D (Looks to be promising)
-Rise of Nightmares (House of the dead Kinect anyone?)
-Gunstringer (IMO doesn't look that great, but still might be good)-XBLA
-Project Draco (Looks to be beast)-XBLA
-Rare, Vancouver and this new studio all working on new games.
-I may have missed some, so put them in if I have.
Now I know not all of these games are what you would call AAA titles, but several of them are new IPs, so you have to give them a chance to debut before passing on judgement (Plus new IPs are always good for the industry). On top of this, there are probably gonna be a lot more games MS will debut in E3 for either a fall release or for 2012.