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21%? Unlikely! Anyway, It's all about value, some people on here seem to think that since they find value in the PS3 other who don't are idiots...sorry guys, that's a stupid stance to take. Anyway, the PS3 fans on this site are pretty hardcore, I suspect if you were to take a poll of VG charts users, the numbers would be as skewed as the percentage that was in the OP. If anything I could see a small 1-3% of total PS3 users turning. Would I go to the PS3 if Xbox Live got hacked? No, first off, they don't have any of my personal info, just an old, defunct e-mail from my highschool days, and an IP address, secondly, I hate the PS3 controller (not that that's a deal breaker anymore with the options availible for people like me) and it really only has three exclusives I am even remotely interested in...none of which measure up to Halo in fun factor for me. I suspect the PS3 crowd holds similar views about the PS3.

"with great power, comes great responsibility."