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Runa216 said:

I may not believe it in the literal sense, but it's an observation I've made over the years. every person I've ever known who plays a microsoft console is gung-ho about it, but the only place I ever see people into Playstation or Nintendo is online in places like this.  

Haven't you heard, it's because the 360 actually has games, the PS3 and Wii folks don't have enough games to keep them away from the forums!!!

Ok, ok you opened the door for that one. I guess I haven't noticed that, but could it be that the PS3/Wii folks just have more of an emotional attatchment to their console/company that they feel the need to sing said console/company's praises. I mean, make no mistake, Sony and Nintendo have a gloriuose gaming past, MS has Windows 98, ME, and Vista hanging over it's head. lol

"with great power, comes great responsibility."