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Runa216 said:

Actually, I've noticed the same thing about Microsoft:  their PR is top notch.  Even last generation, if you didn't know better you'd think the 360 had more awesome games than PS2 and Gamecube put together, sold more, and was some sort of pariah of videogaming lore.  Everyone I knew thought it was the best damn system ever and it seemed EVERYONE had one.  In reality, it was just that the people who had it were very loud about it.  In fact, I just told a friend of mine about how poorly it sold compared to PS2, and he was amazed at the disparity, since he was convinced tha Xbox won last generation and the PS2 was the little system that could.  

I Don't know how microsoft does it, but they've done a damn good job enforcing brand loyalty and it paid off.  People PAY for XBL though it's not much better than PSN (any time other than now) and straight up inferior to any PC online system, in spite of both PC andPS3 being free to play.  I don't know a whole lot of people going on about how AWESOME the wii is or how the PS3 is the best, but everywhere I go I hear about how Xbox 360 is the best system ever and that everything else is inferior and how the PS3 'just doesn't have any games worth playing'...

I Don't know how they did it, but damn it's impressive how many people have been brainwashed into the Xbox over the years. 

Granted, I see a lot of people championing the Wii and PS3 online, but in person, in the real world where there aren't dedicated Sony boards and Nintendo boards, I only ever EVER hear about the 360.  So yes, it seems the general population and game sites tend to forgive microsoft's blunders with ease while harping on the alternatives endlessly. 

Really? You actually believe that garbage? You do realize that when people make a choice based on thier personal preferances in hardware and software, that doesn't mean they are being brain washed, they are actually thinking for themselves and making a choice, rather than follow the cult and purchase a console the fanboys tell them they must.

DISCLAIMER: I am not calling or implying that the quoted poster a fanboy.

"with great power, comes great responsibility."