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RDR has a fair few flaws, most of which have been covered in the thread already so I'll just touch upon a couple of them. The game did drag a little in Mexico and your morality practically went out the window for most of this period, and getting around the map can be a little slow (but then I'd counter by saying you're running around wild terrain barely touched by the advances of man, I'd expect it to be a little hard going).

But it's just too good to hate because of any flaw. When you're out in the wild exploring on your horse, be it to look for a specific flower or to hunt a specific animal or just because you feel like exploring, there's a true sense that you are actually in the wild. Sure, it got annoying when yet another woman pops up in the middle of nowhere wanting your help, but that's countered by random moments when you're taking a moment to admire something within the game world only to suddenly hear something coming at you, and the next thing you know you've got a dead horse you're fighting off a bear or a cougar.

Hunting for bear also provided one of my most memorable moments in gaming, as one of the optional hunting missions has you attempt to hunt down a bear with your knife, so off I went into the woods, I found a bear, snuck up on it, and stabbed it a few times with my knife. It promptly ran away, so I chased it on foot, ran alongside it and stabbed it some more. It kept running, I kept running alongside, I kept stabbing it. It eventually went down after a few minutes of all this, I took it's skin, turned around and saw two more running at me...

